Dec. 29, 2020

The Episode Every Entrepreneur Needs to Hear

The Episode Every Entrepreneur Needs to Hear

What is the true definition of success? How do you define successful as an entrepreneur? Inside this episode of the Antifragile Entrepreneurship™ podcast, Courtney Elmer interviews several highly-successful entrepreneurs to find out what the meaning of success is, and how you can achieve it.

What is the true definition of success?

If you’ve ever wondered what the meaning of success is, or how to define successful, today’s episode is for you.

With the way the world has changed, my hope is that when you finish listening today, you’ll begin to recognize that the meaning of success is what you define it to be.

Today’s episode is special, because of over 25+ guests who I had the pleasure of interviewing on the podcast this year, none of them had the same answer to the question I asked at the end of each interview: “What is your definition of success?” 

The way they define successful for themselves is fascinating. Today, you’re going to get an insider's peek into the minds of these six- and seven-figure entrepreneurs’ unique take on the meaning of success, so you can get inspired, learn how to define what success looks like for you, and get out there to create it.

As we move forward together into our new and brighter future, my hope for you is that you’ll learn to stop chasing someone else’s definition of success, and start chasing your own. 

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Courtney Elmer 0:01  

You're listening to the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ podcast, Episode 50. This is an episode that every entrepreneur needs to hear moving into the year ahead, because at the time of this recording, we are closing the doors on 2020. And with the way the world has changed and with where we are headed moving forward, you need to hear this.


I don't know if you know the backstory behind this podcast, we launched this back in February of 2020, right before the sky fell with COVID. Never in a million years that I expect to be sitting here ranked among the top 300 shows in the US in business and education, and among the top 500 shows globally.

What started as a dream, and a way for me to connect on a deeper level with you has turned into something far beyond what I could have ever imagined. To the point where I'm now teaching other up and coming podcasters how to get their message out into the world in a much bigger way following the exact same formula we use to launch this show with so much success.

Most podcasters are going to sit down right about now and do a year in review episode. But I don't want to look back. Eyes forward. So today, we've put together a very special episode for you. It's an episode that every entrepreneur needs to hear moving into the year ahead, especially with the way the world has changed this year with where we are headed. Because I believe it is time to rise up to speak your truth and to show up in ways that you have never shown up before. Of over 25 guests that we have brought to you on the show this year. I asked each one of them one question at the end of their interview. I had a hunch that every answer would be different, even though the question was the same. The question was: what's your definition of success. Today on the show, we're going to share those answers with you to give you hope that the meaning of success can look different than you expected it to. That the meaning of success and the way you define successful can change and grow as you evolve.

Most importantly, to give you the freedom to choose your own definition of success and go after it. Now of the four pillars that we teach as part of our EffortLESS Life® methodology to help you become the visionary leader your business needs to succeed. One of the most important is vision. They're all important. But think about it: without a clear vision on where you're headed.

My hope is that when you finish listening today, you'll begin to recognize how the meaning of success is what you define it to be; nothing else. And you'll feel inspired to define what it means to be successful for yourself.

And as you move into the year ahead, I hope you stop chasing someone else's meaning of success, and start chasing your own. So let's listen in as these highly successful entrepreneurs share their unique definitions for success. So you can begin to define what it means to be successful for yourself, and get out there and create it.


Courtney Elmer 9:47

What is your definition of success? 


Melanie Mitro 9:51  

Oh, that's a good question. When I think about what the meaning of success is for my life, and what my definition of success is, I want to continue to create the freedom that we have right now. I always want to be able to determine my own work hours, I always want to be my own boss. I want to have the flexibility and freedom to make that choice, so part of the meaning of success for me is helping other people. The meaning of success for me is saying, I want to pass this gift on to other people, and empower them to go after their dreams. That's how I define successful.


Courtney Elmer 11:18  

What is your definition of success? 


Christina Rusca 11:28  

My definition of success is whole life integration. Knowing I am exactly where I'm supposed to be, doing exactly what I'm supposed to do, with the people that I'm supposed to be doing it with. When I think of that balance and integration and meaning of success, you feel good about what you're doing. Taking care of myself, taking care of my family, taking care of my business. That's. how I define successful: being able to approach everything holistically and do the best I can with what I have, and feel really good doing it.


Courtney Elmer 13:46  

What is your definition of success? 


Hoan Do 13:50  

You know, for me, the meaning of success is not about a result. More as it's the effort of giving 100% every day all of yourself so that when you go to bed at night, you know you gave everything you had. For me the meaning of success is about giving your all, becoming a better human being, progress over perfection, and achieving that end result. Whether or not you get it, either way you're in a far better place for pursuing it. And that's how I define successful. That, to me, is the meaning of success.


Courtney Elmer 14:56  

What would you say your definition of success is?


Kate Crocco 14:59  

My definition of success is where we are sitting right now. That's hard for some people to take. The meaning of success for me is where you're sitting today. Think back to your past self ten years ago, five years ago, what would she say if she saw you gave her a crystal ball, showed her where you are right now? What would she say? You'd be surprised by how far you've come. And relishing that is how I define successful.


Courtney Elmer 15:52  

What is your definition of success? 


James Wedmore 15:59  

So if I were to look up the meaning of success in the dictionary, or how to define successful, it's getting what you want, with as little effort as possible. That's a beautiful definition because it also connotes that we make our own. You're choosing the destination. If I say I'm in L.A., and I want to go to New York, and I get to New York via plane, that's pretty easy to get there. That's one way to define successful.


Someone else says, Well, I want to go to Dallas. Great. That's them going where they want to go. That's how they define successful. So because I went further doesn't mean I'm more successful. It's going where you say you're going to go. The meaning of success is very individual.


Courtney Elmer 19:34  

What is your definition of success? 


Crystalyn Aucoin 19:36  

The way I define successful is hugely personal, like individualized. The meaning of success to me is doing what makes me happy and fulfills me as a person. It's not fulfilling anyone else but me. What am I able to do the things in my life that allow me to do the things that make me happy? That's how I define successful. It's not a monetary amount. It's not where everybody else looks at me to perceive me being successful or not. It's: am I putting my life together every day in a way that I am able to do things that make me happy every single day? That's the meaning of success, for me.


Courtney Elmer 20:16  

What is your definition of success?


Zach Spuckler 20:19  

Defining successful is an easy one for me because it's doing what I want, when I want, how I want. It's not monetary, I think I'm pretty darn close to it right now. If I want to take the day off, I take the day off. If I want to work for 12 hours, I work for 12 hours, if I want to, take my family to Disneyland, we take them to Disneyland. To me, defining successful is being able to live the life you want, having the business support the lifestyle, not having a lifestyle to support a business. That's the meaning of success for me.


Courtney Elmer 20:53  

What is your definition of success? 


Janelle Fraser 20:56  

I don't fully know. I used to be very clear on what that meant. But then I got it all. And that wasn't it. So to me, it feels like presence. I want to be able to be present with my daughter, not always be thinking about what the next thing is. I don't want my life to be so structured and scheduled. I want to be fully present, wherever I am. To me, that's the meaning of success.


Courtney Elmer 22:50  

What is your definition of success? 


Jess O'Connell 22:53  

My definition of success is freedom. I started a business so that I could spend more time with my family, more time serving the people that I wanted to serve, and more time enjoying my time. And so the meaning of success to me is creating a business that doesn't have to have me in it all the time. That's how I define successful.


Courtney Elmer 23:18

What's your personal definition of success?


Naseema McElroy 23:22

The meaning of success to me is knowing that you are 100% aligned with what your passion is.


Courtney Elmer 24:25  

What's your definition of success? 


Casey Ferrand 24:28  

How I define successful is being authentic to yourself in business and in your personal life. Not having a bank full of money, but feeling that wealth within yourself. Not always looking for the next thing to make you happy, but enjoying where you are in the right draw and that's my definition of success. 


Courtney Elmer 24:57  

What is your definition of success?


Kate Northrup 25:01  

The meaning of success for me is actually being there. Wherever I am. It's simple. That's how I define successful.


Courtney Elmer 25:12  

What is your definition of success? 


Jen Casey 25:15  

My definition of success definitely changed over the years. But I think now the way I define successful is moving towards or having the things that I desire most from a place of alignment. I've had "on paper success," but I've been freaking miserable. And that's the furthest thing from success. Tony Robbins says success without fulfillment is not success. Having that fulfillment, having that alignment. That's everything. That's how I define successful.


Courtney Elmer 25:46  

What is your definition of success?


Katie Fleming 25:49  

The meaning of success to me is living to the fullest and showing up in the way that I want to show up. I'm not sacrificing my family for money or sacrificing anything for the pursuit of that dollar bill. So defining successful means showing up fully in my calling, both in my home and outside of my home.


Courtney Elmer 28:10  

What's your definition of success?


Anna Frandsen 28:12  

There are two parts to the meaning of success for me: it's about having freedom and stability, and knowing I'm making an impact with my life. I am the best I can be when I'm able to do purpose-filled work, and also be a mom. That's how I define successful: doing good work, and being present for the people who need me.


Courtney Elmer 29:07  

What's the meaning of success, to you? 


Adrienne Garland 29:10  

Simple question but not easy to answer! The meaning of success to me is having a holistic, rich, and full life in all areas. It's a very personal definition of success. I don't expect that any else agrees. The way I define successful is having richness across all the areas in your life that are important to you. If you can say I'm happy with all the different areas that are meaningful to me, that's success.


Courtney Elmer 30:06  

What's your definition of success? 


Melissa Eboli 30:09  

That's a great question. From an entrepreneurial perspective, the meaning of success for me is being able to sustain yourself by your own merits. Whether it's a little money or a lot of money, it's such a rewarding and humbling feeling knowing that you're reaping the benefits from the efforts that you put out there. That's how I define successful.


Courtney Elmer  31:06  

I think it's fascinating that no two definitions of success were the same. And the point I'm making here is that they don't have to be the same in order for you to succeed. There's only one definition of success that matters: yours. How you choose to define successful in light of what you value, and in light of what your unique vision for your life and for your business is. Now that said, there's a lot that's changed this year. Things aren't what they used to be and you might be feeling a lack of clarity right now and where you're headed, and how to get there. So if you want help in the year ahead to crystallize your vision and get a daily action plan in place to execute it, I want to help. We have several new and exciting things that we have been working on behind the scenes for you here at the EffortLESS Life® this year to help you do that. As we wrap up this episode, I have one question that I want you to spend some time thinking about: how much time and energy have you put towards your personal growth this year? If your answer is not much, then serious question: How do you expect to grow your business, if you're not growing the human behind the business? (That's you by the way.)

Achieving real success as an entrepreneur is less about the amount of work you're doing to grow your business, and more about the amount of work you're willing to do on yourself. So if you are ready to increase your income, decrease your workload and become the Visionary Leader your business needs to succeed, then go to where you can get on the waitlist and learn the proven EffortLESS Life® methodology. You don't have to work as hard as you think you do,in order to have the income, influence and impact that you deserve.

And while you've got your phone open, assuming you're listening to my voice right now on your mobile device, open up your Instagram app and come follow us where you can send us your topic suggestions for things you'd love for me to cover on the show.

Now, coming up next week we're doing something fun. We're talking about the future of entrepreneurship: the good, the bad, and our predictions for entrepreneurs in 2021. So go share the show with your entrepreneur friends, and join me back here next week on the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ podcast. Until then, go live your EffortLESS Life®.