Jodi Flynn

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CEO and Founder

Jodi Flynn is the CEO and Founder of Women Taking the Lead, a leadership development company that works with organizations and boards to close the performance gap by attracting, developing and successfully promoting more women into senior levels of leadership. She helps organizations realize these benefits through coaching, consulting, leadership development programs and keynotes. Featured in Entrepreneur and Forbes magazines she is the host of the nationally recognized Women Taking the Lead podcast, and an Amazon bestselling author with her book, Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to Doing.

Here are the five key questions Jodi mentions in this episode:

>> Who am I?
>> What am I capable of?
>> How valuable is what I provide?
>> Who can I trust (including myself)?
>> What kind of a world do I live in?

Dec. 13, 2022

Is It Time to Grow Your Team? Here's How to Tell with Jodi Flynn

As an online business owner, if you’re not comfortable taking steps to grow your team, you may self-sabotaging without even realizing it! Stop hindering your ability to grow a business with the tips inside today’s conversation.

Episode page