Tracy Goodwin

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Celebrity Voice Coach

Tracy Goodwin is a celebrity voice coach and founder of Captivate the Room, who started speaking and winning awards at the age of 12. She later went on to become a professional actor and directed plays all over the world all while running from her purpose of being a voice coach. Tracy has a BFA in Directing and two MA’s and has coached hundreds of people around the globe how to step into their voice power, sound more confident, heal their voice story, free their voice and make a big impact with their message. Tracy is a true expert in voice technique and storytelling skills for over 25 years. Her approach, the psychology of the voice is very unique because it not only improves her client’s voices but it transforms their lives. People all over the world seek her out for her expertise because she unravels the voice story and frees the barriers that keep her client’s from connecting and captivating their audience. Her voice training is game changing for actors, speakers, entrepreneurs, business executives, leaders and podcasters of all ages. Tracy teaches you how to speak in color, not black and white, no matter the message, the venue or the size of the audience.

March 2, 2021

The Science Behind Building Influence with Tracy Goodwin

In this episode of Antifragile Entrepreneurship™, Courtney Elmer talks with celebrity voice coach Tracy Goodwin about how to develop key communication skills so you can overcome the fear of public speaking, master the science of persuasion, and captivate the room …

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