Sept. 28, 2021

How NOT to Start Your Workday with John Sherwin

How NOT to Start Your Workday with John Sherwin

Today, we’re talking about one of the biggest secrets of highly successful entrepreneurs—building healthy rituals and life systems to care for you, the business owner! I’m also joined by John Sherwin to uncover the number one cause of foggy brain in entrepreneurs and what you can do about it.

As the CEO and visionary leader of your business, do you find it challenging to prioritize your own needs? 

Imagine what it would feel like to be as committed to caring for the human being behind your business as you are to your business itself. 

Building healthy rituals and healthy lifestyles into your day is one of the biggest secrets of highly successful entrepreneurs who are able to sustain their business, their well-being, and their sanity.

This is something you can start today with the help of my guest, John Sherwin. He’s here to share with us the number one cause of foggy brain in entrepreneurs...and what you can do about it!


  • How to enhance your quality of life and your focus so you can do more of the things you've been put here to do
  • Practical ways to overcome some of the challenges that come with running a remote company
  • Best practices for how to start your day 
  • How to come back after a failed launch and prioritize yourself and the values of your company to scale more consistently


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Courtney Elmer  0:00  

Welcome back to the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ podcast. I love the fact that you were here with me week after week. This is Episode 89 which is all about how to start your day and start living a healthy lifestyle. 

And today, we're gonna build on what you learned in last week's episode about building healthy rituals. And more importantly about renewing your commitment to taking better care of the human behind the business, you by evaluating your life systems, I have a really special guest with me here today on the show, who has created an entire company centered around one specific way to enhance the quality of life for entrepreneurs everywhere. And he's here today to share with you the number one cause of foggy brain, in entrepreneurs and what to do about it. So you can stay sharp and focused as the leader of your company that's coming up next. So stay tuned. 

Courtney Elmer 1:41

All right, before I bring our guest today, I'm going to encourage you to go back and listen to Episode 88, where we talked about the importance of having a morning ritual. I like the word ritual even better than routine. Because the word ritual implies the observance of something.

Courtney Elmer  1:53  

Of course, it has spiritual and religious implications. But you can observe things in your everyday life that you do not observe like to look at those certainly you can do that to evaluate. But even more so to observe as in a reference and respect to honor and revere you, yourself. But you never thought of it that way. Have you? 

And building healthy rituals, a healthy lifestyle, and how to start your day are the secrets of highly successful entrepreneurs. But more than that, having an awareness of the ritual disruptors, what are the things that are causing you to sacrifice your needs, and dishonor yourself? 

Courtney Elmer  2:33  

Having an awareness of that is key along with a commitment to say, “No, I won't allow this anymore.” Because what you experience in life is what you allow. And I can go down a rabbit trail here and get into the psychology of business and how what you have right now or don't have right now in your business is a direct result of what you are allowing or are not allowing into your life. 

But the problem is most people have no clue about this, they just continue to push and to struggle, and to fight an uphill battle. Trying to force change when really all you have to do is sit back and allow it your philosophical moment with Courtney for the day. 

Courtney Elmer  3:15  

So today's guest is here to talk about the number one cause of a foggy brain in entrepreneurs. And that's because after studying biology, at Oxford University, John Sherwin, who was the co-founder of Hydrant, moved to the US and started working out in Silicon Valley. But he didn't feel good and he didn’t have a healthy lifestyle. He would wake up every day and he would go to work. But he really struggled to find a strong work life balance and to feel healthy. 

But then he discovered something that actually worked about how to have a healthy lifestyle: a simple little foundational piece of our biology that he figured out how to enhance to feel more alert and focused through the day. And might I add to enhance that completely naturally. Let me tell you, a foggy brain is a healthy ritual disrupter and not how to start your start. 

Courtney Elmer  4:00  

I shared in the last episode how our experience as a family with COVID amplified this for me tenfold when people tell you that they've had COVID, and that they have what they can only describe as a foggy brain. Let me tell you, that is a very real thing. If you had COVID, and you experienced this, and you know exactly what I'm talking about, if you haven't had COVID. If you've ever had a concussion in your life, and you've experienced that foggy brain feeling after that, that's what it feels like, if you've never had a concussion, maybe there has been a time in your life where you were sick, and where your brain just hurt. It's hard to describe what it was like but it hurt to read a book. All I could do was lay in bed and let my body recover--this was on the way back to a healthy lifestyle? I had to relearn how to start the day. 

Courtney Elmer  4:52  

And so a foggy brain is a very real thing. And I know we make jokes about it as entrepreneurs and as business owners like oh gosh, focus You know, like, that's just one thing that's going to go out the window when you're an entrepreneur, it's kind of like this unspoken thing that entrepreneurs except that when you're an entrepreneur, you're going to be so busy that you're just going to be jumping from one thing to the next, you're not gonna be able to focus. 

Courtney Elmer  5:15  

The foggy brain is a very real thing, and it is a physiological condition. So what John Sherwin has to share with you today is going to help enhance your quality of life and your focus so you can do more of the things you've been put here to do. And we're also going to talk about the trials and tribulations of building a business, and how to overcome some of the challenges that come with running a remote company, as well as how to come back after a failed launch, and prioritize yourself and the values of your company to scale more consistently. You're ready. Let's dive into that interview about how to have a healthy lifestyle right now.

Courtney Elmer  5:59  

John, welcome to the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ Podcast. I am delighted that you're here today. And I can't wait for all that you have to share with us about how to have a healthy lifestyle. 

John Sherwin  6:06  

Thanks for having me Courtney. I'm excited to be here, too. 

Courtney Elmer  6:09  

So you are the co-founder of a fascinating product for a healthy lifestyle that I would love for you to share a little bit more about with our listeners. Tell us what is Hydrant? And how did that come to be?

John Sherwin  6:23  

Absolutely. So Hydrant, we like to frame Hydrant as being where water meets wellness. Years ago, I myself suffered from pretty routine dehydration. And I saw some very smart people leveraging tools from the clinical world, a little powdered rehydration, salt packets from hospitals, to rehydrate themselves efficiently. And I tasted them, I found them to be really lacking in taste, but incredibly functional. 

And so I set out to make a better product, that sort of catered to a larger audience who are trying to take care of themselves on a day to day basis, again, coming back to that idea of routine dehydration, because somewhere around 75% of Americans are living a dehydrated life. So on a daily basis, they are not at their optimum hydration level. And we wanted to build a product that would allow them to operate at top performance level and feel their best at the same time. 

Courtney Elmer  7:28  

Wow. 75%. That's a lot. That's people. So what are some of the symptoms like, you know, how would someone know if they're dehydrated? What would they be experiencing, you know, in their daily life impacting their healthy lifestyle. 

John Sherwin  7:40  

So I think the most relatable concept, for me to explain it is fatigue is through fatigue. And we talked about it in the morning. So if you picture this, you go to bed at your normal time, you sleep a good night of sleep, and you wake up first thing in the morning, and I think a lot of us, particularly in the entrepreneurial world can relate to this idea of waking up and feeling still tired, still groggy, like you're shaking cobwebs out of your head. And we have been conditioned in a sort of society to think, Well, what I need is caffeine, that's going to get me up, it's going to get me going. The reality is, you're probably just dehydrated, you've got sort of a throbbing headache, you're not feeling energized, and through the night, you've been losing water, and you don't know it. So you wake up and you think I need caffeine, but you don't, you really just need to rehydrate. 

Now, most people when they hear that, will say, grab a cup of water and water is always good. I'm not here to bash water in any way. It's absolutely the most important accessory to our product. But with water, you more slowly absorb it. So it's going to take a little bit longer for you to feel at your best. Where if you use a product like a hydrant, we've got a certain ingredient plan that allows you to leverage the systems in your body to more rapidly absorb the water and electrolytes into your bloodstream, which gets you feeling refreshed much faster and starts a healthy lifestyle.

Courtney Elmer  9:13  

Well, you know that's so interesting because yes, as entrepreneurs, we can all relate to that feeling and what's the first thing you do I mean, I'm guilty of this, I reach for caffeine for a cup of coffee first thing even before water sometimes. And then I think also too, and I've made this mistake before on my own health and wellness journey thinking that well, if I'm dehydrated, then I need to rehydrate. 

And in order to do that, I need to drink water. And I had actually heard that water isn't the best source of hydration. Certainly Yes, you need water. And as you mentioned, you know that your body absorbs it so much more slowly. So I'm curious then, what are some of the things in Hydrant and some of the ingredients that help your body hydrate more quickly. That can be a great way to learn how to start your day. 

John Sherwin  9:59  

So I'd like to talk about it in terms of three levers and stop me if I get too into the science, I do have a tendency to dive into it too far. But at a basic level, you want to make sure you're pulling on these three levers. The first lever is, do you have the right balance and enough electrolytes, specifically sodium and potassium. But we also have some magnesium and zinc in the product. 

The second thing, and this is definitely the most controversial ingredient, is a little bit of sugar. A lot of research has been done since the 1950s, that shows a little bit of sugar, along with those electrolytes and water allows you to actively pump electrolytes into your bloodstream and earlier in your digestive system, which means you can absorb the water faster, because the water will follow those electrolytes. And then the third lever is having what's called a low osmolarity, that sounds really technical, it just means a low concentration in what you're drinking. And so for us, it's relatively easy, because we have such a simple formula, it really is just like just enough sugar, a little bit of electrolytes at the right balance that you need and some fruit juice powder. And that means that we're coming in at this low concentration, which means your body just wants to absorb it really fast.

Courtney Elmer  11:20  

Interesting, you know, I have actually heard that about sugar and how I don't remember where I read this, but that drinking milk is actually more hydrating than drinking water. Now, there's maybe a lot of reasons why you wouldn't want to drink milk, right, and why that's not necessarily the best drink of choice for hydration. But the reason that it was given was because of the sugar in the milk. And it somehow allowed your body to absorb more of the actual water content. 

And I just thought that always stuck with me, I always thought How interesting. And you know, you hear the things about electrolytes and all as well. And, you know, the hydration powders and different things that I've tried, some of them taste great, some of them not so much. But the ones that I've found that are most effective, are the ones that typically you feel the difference in your body pretty quickly, like there's a noticeable difference. And you feel less groggy, you feel less fatigued, more mental clarity really, is what I notice, when I'm properly hydrated--and having a healthy lifestyle.

Courtney Elmer  12:20  

And this is something that we see happen a lot with entrepreneurs, especially our students and clients that we work with, is this idea of putting themselves on the back burner, in order to handle whatever needs to get handled that day. And so often, they neglect doing simple little things like staying hydrated in the course of the day, because they're so busy running around putting out fires, juggling family life, you know, many, many people are working from home now or have recently started working from home with COVID. 

And so this idea of really taking care of the human behind the business, and how important that is. So I would love to dive in with you a bit in terms of, you know, when you saw this need, and in your own life recognize like, this stuff tastes terrible, but it works great, you know, let me set out to create a product that solves that problem, first and foremost. But what were some of the other driving forces behind your business and putting this product together and putting it out onto the market? How can this help with a healthy lifestyle? How can it help you start your day on the right foot?

John Sherwin  13:27  

So I think I like to look at it from the perspective of building healthy rituals and a healthy lifestyle. I experienced this problem of being routinely dehydrated. And I, you know, had pretty strong conviction that I could solve that problem. But we knew that if we made the product, like existing products, people would consume it reactively they would think, okay, I you know, drank some alcohol last night, I'm gonna react to that by rehydrated or, okay, I just went to the gym and I worked out, I'm going to react to that by hydrating, because I just did some sweating. 

And we kind of flipped that concept on its head. And we're seeing more and more brands sort of take on similar messaging over the past year of getting ahead of dehydration so that you'll never feel those symptoms in the first place. And it makes perfect sense, right? If you're trying to take care of yourself, and you have a busy day ahead. 

John Sherwin  14:27  

Why would you wait until you know you have a headache or wait until you're feeling tired? Why not try and sort of stay ahead of it completely with a healthy lifestyle? And so we designed the product to be quite different to solve that problem. Specifically, we used a less sweet flavor profile with a more subtle taste. So if you were to compare us to some of the other products you've tried, you'd see okay, it tastes a lot like a real fruit, kind of more like water with a hint of flavor. 

And that was very up as well, because we wanted people to be able to enjoy drinking it multiple times in a day if they needed to, in order to stay ahead of hydration, dehydration, excuse me. And similarly, we wanted people to be able to drink it first thing in the morning, you know, you don't want to be drinking sickly, sweet pediatric hydration drink first thing, when you wake up instead, you know, you want something that actually refreshes you and gives you that true feedback loop to feeling good again. 

John Sherwin  15:26  

So we were very intentional with the product decisions to sort of lead to that healthier lifestyle where people could add the ritual of pouring the powder into that cup or that bottle, filling it with water, stirring or shaking and drinking it. And one of the most rewarding bits of feedback we've had from our customers is that, yes, they like hydrogen. And yes, they feel that feedback loop. But the other thing it does is it just makes them more aware of their water consumption throughout the day. So if they start with a hydrant, they end up reporting that they drink more water overall in daily life than if they hadn't drunk the hydrant in the first place.

Courtney Elmer  16:07  

We know John Sherwin, this is one of the reasons I wanted to bring you on the show is because in reading about what you guys have created, the sense of intentionality behind your brand, really stood out to me that it wasn't just about getting out there creating another product, right trying to beat the competition, or just introduce another newer, better product. Yes, it definitely solves a real problem. 

And at the same time, the intentionality behind it, and the proactiveness, with which you approach this problem of chronic dehydration. And I think as entrepreneurs, many of us seek to live a more proactive life, rather than a reactive one. 

Courtney Elmer  16:47  

But what we find ourselves doing in the course of a busy day, as we jump from one task to the next, sometimes multitasking sometimes you know, putting out fires dealing with negative emails that come through or whatever the things that might pop up, is we often live a very reactive life, and we're not really sure how to flip the switch. And what you said about building healthy rituals and a healthy lifestyle is so beautiful. 

And I want to dig even deeper into that. And if you would share with us some of your own healthy rituals for a healthy lifestyle, maybe you practice your morning routines, you know, your nighttime routines. I'm always fascinated to hear what other successful entrepreneurs are doing. Because I think it really boils down to this idea of intentionality and how we approach our day from the onset, versus at the end of the day, looking back and saying, oh, that didn't really go according to plan.

John Sherwin  17:41  

This is an area I've been focused on for some time, both from the product standpoint, but also more personally. So I'd be happy to share what has been working for me. I mean, first off, growth mindset is one of our core values at Hydrant. And this, I mentioned it purely because I'm aware that my current routine probably isn't perfect. And I'm sort of open to making mistakes throughout the day, and noticing those and trying to better myself throughout as as the rest of our team. And so that's something that we kind of embody through our daily lives. 

In terms of rituals and a healthy lifestyle, I have to admit, I relate very strongly to what you were just saying about how as entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves in a more reactive mindset to you know, the trials and tribulations of building a business. So I tend to group my rituals, morning and evening. Where no, well, fewer emails, calls and slack messages can get in the way. For me, I've really shifted my daily life to start earlier and earlier in the morning, and you know, bed on time. And for me, the biggest issue that I'm focused on right now is screen time and exercise. 

John Sherwin  19:03  

I don't think these are radically different from anyone else. But the sort of little hack I have is no phone in bed, the phone has to be plugged in well away from the bed, so I can't reach it. And I don't use my phone as my alarm system for waking up in the morning. So I have one of these alarms that rises like a light alarm that rises with the sun. So you can sort of simulate a sunrise, which taps into some evolutionary mechanisms that we have, where as the light slowly rises, your body slowly wakes up so that by the time the sound comes on, your body's already kind of like ready to go. So that's one piece. 

And then also, I am not a morning exerciser. I hate it so much. It is such a struggle, but I have noticed that I feel so much better when I force myself to do it. So at the moment it really is painful, but I appreciate that I did it the rest of the day, and it does keep me more calm throughout my work day.

John Sherwin  20:05  

So those are a couple of things. And the other one I'm trying right now, but I have to admit I'm a total newcomer. But in the interest of transparency 2021, I've added meditation for a healthy lifestyle. And I do this right before my first call of the day, which often is where I find myself in the past. I'd be, you know, sending out quick emails to try and get ahead of the day. But instead, now I just try to clear my mind and be sort of ready to embrace the challenges ahead and come in with a very positive attitude. And meditation has really helped with that. So I'm going to keep that one going for as long as I can.

Courtney Elmer  20:40  

That's awesome. Well, and you know, what I love about these three things are such tangible things that we can all take a look at in our life, screentime, exercise, and meditation, which really ties into that growth mindset and a healthy lifestyle, core values that you guys have, and meditation too. And you said that I smiled, because I was like, guess what, I've been doing the same thing since the beginning of the year. 

And it wasn't really like a new year's resolution or a healthy lifestyle, but just a practice that I wanted to get better at. Because one of my challenges for myself this year is to slow down. And not in the sense of, you know, taking more time to hit goals or anything like that, but slowing down in the sense of being very deliberate with what I'm putting my energy and attention on. And so meditation is really helping me do that as well. And the app that I use, it tracks the number of minutes that you've meditated. And today, it was like 78 minutes. 

Courtney Elmer  21:37  

That's been over like two weeks, not 78 minutes in one setting. Just to clarify why it's so great, great progress. Yeah. So to see those little bitty probes, like just that incremental progress that you're making, and it's the small wins, and that's what keeps you going toward a healthy lifestyle. 

Like he said, the feeling of feeling good when you exercise in the morning, as hard as it is to get going and do that. But afterwards, you know, it's that reward, and the screen time, I love your hack to keep your phone far enough away that you can't reach for it. My husband, and I literally just had this conversation last night where we said, okay, when he gets home from his day, our phones from 5pm, till 8pm, when our son goes to bed, are going to be in a drawer somewhere, like, not accessible, so that we can really prioritize that quality family time. And that has been just such a small shift toward a healthy lifestyle. 

Courtney Elmer  22:35  

But one that, again, is so rewarding, you know, I would imagine like you, you know, putting it aside so that you can actually get quality sleep, and you're not sitting there scrolling, you know, up later than you want to be, which prevents you from living a healthy lifestyle. And it just helps you reinforce the other healthy habits and rituals and a healthy lifestyle that you set forth for yourself. So that's awesome. And I love that thanks for sharing too, because it's so tangible. You know, it's stuff that people can walk away from this episode and say, Hey, I'm gonna try that. 
I want to pivot a little bit. I want to ask you, you know, a moment ago, you mentioned this, these trials and tribulations of building a business. And there are many. And I'm curious, in the years that you've been bringing this product and this brand to life, what would you say has been one of the major obstacles or challenges that you faced, number one? And then number two? What lessons have you learned from that, and been able to apply to your brand in order to continue growing?

John Sherwin  23:37  

Yeah, certainly plenty of trials and tribulations I need to think through, which are the best ones to share here. I would say, in terms of all of the different areas of our business, the supply chain side of like making our product, making sure it's high quality, and it gets to customers, the way that we wanted to has always been the the kind of the area where it feels like fires happen the most frequently. And I think that's partly because early on, as I'm sure many of your listeners can relate to. You put so much of yourself into your business and your product, and anything that you know comes off the production line that is less than your bar for perfection.

John Sherwin  24:25  

It just hurts you to think of a customer assuming that you believe that to be, you know, good enough quality. And so that's kind of my go to moment was we did a rebrand back in 2019. And in the process of that rebrand, we moved our core factory from West Coast to East Coast to a new relationship. And we had all new packaging suppliers and there was a lot of trust built into that move. And no one cares about your product as much as you do. 

That was probably the number one lesson: no one else cares about your product as much as you do. And we learned that the hard way, in that what came off the line for that first production run, which was supposed to be, you know, the new launch of the new, refreshed branding, it was gonna be so exciting, we're, you know, going to get pressed with it and it just came off the line and it was so disappointing. 

John Sherwin  25:21  

The material felt cheap, it looked cheap, it felt cheap, the product inside was perfectly fine. And so like, yes, that's, that's the most important thing. It's fine, it was safe, it tasted exactly how it was supposed to taste. But for the presentation to be below the bar that we had set, it was it was absolutely gut wrenching for my co founder and I and we kind of that day learned, you know, if it costs a bit of money to fly to the factory, or to fly to a vendor, and this was pre COVID, to fly to a vendor and physically be that to check on every little stage. Sometimes it is absolutely worth it. 

John Sherwin  26:00  

Until you've built up enough process and trust with a vendor that, you know, you guys are aligned, that what comes off the line is going to be the level of quality that you desire. I mean, it may not sound that bad. But at the time, we were thinking we may not even sell this product, we ended up offering everyone who purchased it at 25% discount code to come back again, with an apology now just explaining like, Hey, this is not up to our standard for presentation. 

But because the product is perfectly good, we're still selling it to you. And you know, here's a discount for your next order. Thank you for your patience. But that was probably the biggest lesson around like other people in your supply chain, just not really caring to the same extent that you do. So that was certainly a major Tron, I think the other one would be really moving to a remote work, valid work life balance through COVID, we have been incredibly lucky as a business that we were primarily direct consumers.

John Sherwin  27:01  

So, you know, we did not get as impacted by the reduced foot traffic to grocery stores. And there were some sort of ripple effects. But for us, it really was taking this very nuclear team of eight people who'd been working in the trenches together for a year and a half, and say, Okay, you guys can't see each other anymore. It has to be all via zoom. Oh, and by the way, we're doubling the team next year. So we've more than doubled now, since the pandemic started. And I have a lot of people on the team who I've never met in person, it's all been through zoom. And that has come with its own challenges around building. 

John Sherwin  27:45  

The cult, like an intentional culture, that holds everyone to the same bar of performance keeps everyone feeling good about the work they do every day, you know, I've had team members coming to me and saying that they're just not feeling connected, it feels that there's no kind of connection in the space between the work. And that's something that we have at the office just by default, you know, between meetings, you can catch five minutes of conversation, at the watercooler walking for a coffee doesn't exist anymore. And so figuring out how to build systems to help people feel like they're part of something bigger has been a real challenge this year, that we're still working on, again, a growth mindset when there's always room to improve. And we continue to work on it and learn from our own team members on things like, what's working and what's not.

Courtney Elmer  28:40  

Yeah, you know, the biggest theme as I listened here to you sharing this is the innovation that has been bred simply by sheer necessity, you know, when the presentation wasn't as you guys expected, and I'm sure imagining what the emotional roller coaster might have felt like, you know, because you, like you said, are so heavily invested, not only, you know, physically in the product that you're creating, but emotionally in the product as well, because there is so much of each of us in our brands. And I just related to that so much, because I felt that so much in my own experience as well even more from a service based side where, you know, you put every ounce of what you have into creating a program or creating an experience to solve a problem, a very real problem for people. 

Courtney Elmer  29:26  

And you know, when that is met with either a less than satisfactory outcome, or, you know, it didn't have the result that you hoped it did, or it just didn't quite go the way you thought that it would, you know, there's huge opportunity for learning, obviously, but sometimes it takes that punch in the gut a little bit, you know, to realize that so that innovation that you guys really just stepped right into, you know, almost, you know, it sounds like without missing a beat, right? It was like, Well, if this is the problem and this is how we're going to solve it and this is not the quality that we want. So now we're going to fly and you know, make sure we have relationships with our vendors and make sure that this is getting done to our standard. And just this idea of pivoting in our business as things like this come our way. And I think a lot of us think that pivoting has to do with when you switch from, you know, doing this thing over here to doing something totally different over here. 

Courtney Elmer  30:23  

That really happens every day. And it happens as we respond to these challenges that present themselves like remote work. I was just reading a study this week about this, I don't know a lot of what some of our listeners may know, I'm going back to school for my Master's in psychology right now. I want to improve my healthy lifestyle. 

And one of the studies we were reading was coincidentally because the study was done long before COVID came about, but it had to do with building camaraderie and that sense of community on teams working remotely. And I was like, Huh, how relevant this is for what we're experiencing. And one of the ideas was, you know, this idea of really making emotional bank deposits with people. 

Courtney Elmer  31:05  

And what that means is attentively listening to your team members listening for things that are important to them, maybe it's something personal going on in their life, maybe they just got a new puppy, you know, it could be anything that's happening, and just listening for those little bitty things that they might mention in the course of a conversation, and then making an intentional effort to ask them about that, again, at a future date, you know, just to really just it says that, I noticed you, I see you. And it builds that connection, even when there is distance between you, you know, because like you said, remote work comes with so many challenges, and keeping that sense of connection with a team. So you gave us so many great points to reflect on there. Thank you so much for sharing.

John Sherwin  31:51  

Of course. Yeah. Well, thank you for having me on. I'm really excited to chat with you and it's been great to talk about how to start your day and have a healthy lifestyle.

Courtney Elmer  31:57  

There's one question that I ask each guest that comes on the show before we wrap every episode. And it's one that I you know, I just love hearing the different answers because no two answers have ever been the same. And that's just so fascinating to me. And I'm curious to hear, what does it mean to you to live in EffortLESS Life®?

John Sherwin  32:17  

Well, it's such a broad question to tackle in a minute or two. I think, to me, it really comes down to how you feel throughout the day and having a healthy lifestyle. It's not about what you have to do, ie like, let's say I have a day of back-to-back meetings. That's not something that necessarily has to feel like effort if you're feeling good as you go about it. And so for me, it's really that positive attitude and that mindset that you're going to be happy. And I'll give you a brief example that is very recent, we're going through a bit of a hiring spree hydrant for some more senior roles. And it's kind of exhausting. 

John Sherwin  33:05  

Going through resumes, going through early calls with people, there's a lot of emotion invested from both sides, you know, the candidate really wants the job. And you kind of really want to meet them where they're at and learn about them as a person. And I used to go to these meetings with pretty low energy, because I wasn't looking forward to them. They were such a heavy lift. And recently, I just kind of thought about it like these are discussions with people who are really engaged, really interesting. 

And why am I arriving at them with this, this energy? Why is it not? Hey, I get to have a chat with someone really interesting, who understands my industry, and I can learn from them. And maybe they'll end up being my teammate. 

John Sherwin  33:52  

What an opportunity to spend an hour talking to them. And it's really simple. But to just flip the mindset like that has made that part of my day, so much more effortless, really to go through because it was all in my mind, it was just simply a mental construct that I was kind of approaching entirely wrong. And so I like that concept. And I'm trying to find other areas of life where I'm kind of coming into them with the wrong energy and the wrong mindset, and seeing how I can approach it to make my life more effortless.

Courtney Elmer  34:27  

It's such a tangible example. I'm so glad you shared that because, you know, creating an effortless life, having a healthy lifestyle, or having an idea of that it does mean something very unique and personal to each one and sometimes it can be a little nebulous, nebulous, to if I could get that word out nebulous, because it's tough to even wrap our mind around you know, and something like that. It's just such a simple perspective shift and how you approach your day and how you choose to feel as you go throughout your day. And what an impact and what a difference that can make. That's awesome. So, John, where can people find you online? And where can they find out more about Hydrant too, because I know our listeners are going to want to check that out, and they're going to want to connect with you.

John Sherwin  35:13  

So is the best place to find us. We're also on Amazon. And we're also in Walmart nationwide, those are the easiest places to find the product. And to find me, LinkedIn is currently the best medium to connect with me. And I'm just John Sherwin on that. 

Courtney Elmer  35:32  

Thanks so much for your time today and for coming on the show to talk about how to have a healthy lifestyle. 

John Sherwin  35:35  

Thanks, Courtney!

Courtney Elmer  35:37  

I really enjoyed this convo with John, because this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, taking care of the you behind your business and having a healthy lifestyle. And more importantly than that, learning how to build yourself out of your business, so that your business can run independently of you. That my friend is where you begin to experience the true freedom that you started your business for in the first place. So go make sure you check out what John and his team have created. You can find them @drinkhydrant on Instagram. 

Courtney Elmer  36:06  

We'll link that up in the show notes. And while you're there, please come find me on Instagram and say hi, I would love to connect with you there. 

Courtney Elmer  37:02  

So next week, we have a very special featured episode, which is how to adjust your business when life throws the unexpected your way while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And I'm going to lift the curtain and reveal to you what happened COVID was light and what I learned from it and how this setback changed the course of our company and how it's now propelling us forward. So I'll see you right here next time on the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ podcast. Until then, go live your EffortLESS Life®.