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So much value!
Courtney drops so much value inside every single episode! I love how she combines the psychology of human behavior with podcast strategy. It’s done in a way that finally makes sense… and it’s strategies that no one else is talking about. Take a listen! You’ve found your next binge worthy podcast!

Useful Information
Great information for podcasters and especially for those trying to start one or relatively new. Even people trying to rebrand or start again.

Get ready to binge, learn and grow 🙌🏼
Huge fan of Courtney’s show! I listen every week and often more than once. Thanks for setting the example of what a Binge-worthy podcast sounds like. Your tips and wisdom are priceless and I hang on every word. 💛 Kim Stewart @ Book Marketing Mania

Helpful and concise
The episodes are short and easy to digest. A very helpful podcast for other Podcasters. Courtney does a great job.

The best podcast on podcasting
Courtney gives a refreshing look at podcasting and does not repeat the same things everyone else is preaching. Definitely ahead of the game.

Must-listen for podcasters🎙️
Courtney's infectious enthusiasm and insider knowledge make this podcast a must-listen for podcasters at all levels. Episodes are packed with actionable tips and real-world examples. Five stars for Courtney's dedication to sharing the secrets behind top-ranking shows and helping others achieve their podcasting dreams!

Lives up to the hype
This show is highly rated for a reason. If you want to grow your podcast, you have to listen.

Tactical with tons of perspective
My man doesn’t really listen to podcasts-but yours hooked him and he is NOT a podcaster. Hilarious. I love the show and it continues to grow my expertise as a podcaster. Thank you!🎙️Jen~The Empowered Stepmom

Great actionable tips!
I’ve been podcasting for a bit and find Courtney’s tips AWESOME. How to name my podcast - loved it! Publish on the slow day of your niche…Awesome!

Wonderful show!
A very helpful podcast for entrepreneurs who are looking to grow and increase revenue. Lots of practical application and strategies. -Elizabeth

Great content, great avatar
She does great at describing the problem and your audience, giving you the feel that she knows where you’re coming from.

Packed with content
Courtney’s episodes are packed with content, great ideas to launch or relaunch your podcast. Great suggestions to take your podcast from flailing to flying.

Super helpful!
Thank you so much! I’m a podcaster and find your episodes super helpful with specific actionable steps I can take to increase my show’s reach. Thank you! Susie Pettit

Keep going!
I’m a big fan of podcasts that teach podcasting and Courtney does a fantastic job with this show. Keeps me hooked and interested. Keep it going!

Transformative Marketing Insights from a Podcasting Pro
The episode with John Lee Dumas on "Insider Secrets to a Top 100 Podcast" is a treasure trove for entrepreneurs and digital business owners. John’s journey of growing his podcast to a highly successful venture, coupled with the lessons he learned, offers practical and inspiring insights for anyone looking to leverage podcasting for business growth.

Love the tips
The tips and different topics really give you a different perspective and support with podcasting.

Alright, you got me
Lots of things to learn here and Courtney gives you juuuuust enough info to know something, but not enough of that something, so you have to keep coming back!

Well I’m Hooked
So much to consider about rebranding and relaunching especially after podcasting for a while. Something I need to do.

Great show for business owners who podcast!
Courtney knows what she’s doing. It’s so refreshing to see some novel strategy on podcasting. I was sick of hearing the same advice that only gets you tiny incremental growth and this growth strategy was actually good and fits with my experience of what worked. Thanks Courtney—you have a new follower! 🙌

Somehow Courtney got me to not only listen to more then one episode, I started to follow and binge. This btw is what she preaches. Very interesting podcast. Not sure I have grasped the concept of what she is trying to tell us…but that’s what makes it binge worthy. She has a good voice too!

Lots of knowledge about podcasting.
Learned a ton here about how to get the podcast off the ground and getting found. Thank you!

Wow! I am so happy to have found Courtney & her helpful podcast. So much to soak in…

Powerful stuff!
Courtney really brings it on each episode! Her episode on finding “your voice” and the “power of your thoughts” is especially great! Worth a listen and a follow!

For aspiring podcasters who want to know what really works
As a fellow podcaster I love Courtney’s podcast, both her solo episodes and guest interviews. She gets into both mindset (limiting beliefs) and practical strategies (what to say on a discovery call). I will be following this one!

Love the energy and depth! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Listening to Courtney and Alex riff on podcasting and expanding mindset on business and loving the energy here!

Valuable Insights!
Courtney’s knowledge about business is truly incredible! She delivers valuable tips to entrepreneurs in ways that are clear and understandable. Her approach to guests is sincere and genuine, and she radiates so much enthusiasm. If you’re looking for valuable insights and a joyful listening experience, then this is the podcast for you!

Perfect Timing!!
I found Courtney’s podcast at a perfect time in my business!! She gives such amazing insight and provides thought provoking questions to help steer you in the right direction!

Impactful show and authentic host!
This show is fun, entertaining, and impactful. Courtney is funny and real. Awesome show!

So Authentic!
Courtney’s transparency and industry knowledge is top notch. She ranks VERY HIGH on my list. Thanks for putting in the work and showing to the world what’s possible! 💥

Amazing Every Time
This podcast always has such great content, amazing guests, and so many golden nuggets of insight and inspiration. I look forward to each and every episode.