Oct. 19, 2021

Optimize Your Sales Process to Convert More Leads w/ Mark Colgan

Optimize Your Sales Process to Convert More Leads w/ Mark Colgan

My guest today is going to walk you step-by-step through how to simplify your sales process, close more sales, and convert more of your leads. PLUS, he’s showing you how to do it all without being salesy! Trust me, this episode is PACKED to the brim with tips that you do NOT want to miss.

Do terms like “customer journey” and “sales process” instantly give you a gnawing ache in your stomach?

Are ready to finally understand how to get the RIGHT people on calls with you without feeling icky or salesy... and know how to sincerely convert those leads into loyal clients or customers?

Today's guest and sales systems expert, Mark Colgan, is going to help you optimize your customer journey and simplify your sales process, and position yourself as the problem-solver within your ideal customer's world.


  • A deep understanding of the "sincere sales” philosophy and his complete, 4-step customer sales process
  • The mistakes most people make when it comes to their sales process
  • The #1 reason more of your leads aren’t converting to clients and when to stop following up with prospects
  • What you should include in every single sales email you send
  • PLUS, the secret to closing more sales without being icky or “salesy”

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Courtney Elmer  0:00  

Welcome back to another episode of the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ podcast. This is Episode 92 which is all about the sales process and customer journey. And my guest today is going to walk you through step by step how to simplify your sales process, close more sales and convert more of your leads to loyal customers and clients, all without being salesy. In fact, he's going to show you how to do it with very little selling on your part at all. 

And as a bonus, he's also going to give you an insider's look at how you can begin automating the sales mechanisms in your business with just a few little tweaks. This is an episode that I have already listened to twice, it is so good, and it is packed with actionable tips that you can put to use right away. That's all coming up next. So stay tuned. 


Courtney Elmer  3:15  

Now as a podcaster with a successful show, I get pitched by a lot of podcast agencies about potential guests. There was this one agency called Speak on Podcasts who kept reaching out with a bunch of great guests. I accepted some of them, I declined others. But what really caught my attention about this agency was how they would email me after I had turned down a guest and ask me how they could improve by getting a better understanding of what it was specifically that I was looking for in future guests. Rarely in today's day and age does anyone go the extra mile like that.

I have tons of agencies that pitch me and they never email me to ask, where did we miss the mark? How can we improve? So that got my attention. So one day I got pitched from the same company and lo and behold, they pitched me their CEO to be on the show, Mark Colgan. He’s been working for the past 13+ years in sales and marketing and recruiting for a variety of companies, and has grown their revenue to the tune of millions with some of the sales systems and sales processes that he's helped them put in place. 

I thought, how could I not bring him on the show? First of all, his agency “sold” me the entire time through their sincere follow-up, and when I found out about Mark's background in something that I'll call “sincere sales,” it explained perfectly why I had had the positive experience I did. So of course I had to bring him on. 

He completely knocked it out of the park with this episode because he literally lifts the curtain and walks you through his four-step customer process and shares the exact details that make it so effective. You can literally copy this customer process and duplicate it in your own business. 

We also talk about…

  • The mistakes most people make when it comes to their sales process and defining their customer journey
  • The number one reason more of your leads aren't converting to clients
  • The secret to closing more sales without being salesy
  • The easy email hacks you should be using to increase open rates on your sales emails
  • The best calendar booking software options to streamline your sales process
  • The one thing to include in your booking confirmation emails to increase your sales call attendance
  • When to stop following up with a prospect
  • What you should include in every single sales email you send and the sales process
  • And so much more 

This episode is straight fire, so I’m going to stop talking and let Mark take it away. 


Courtney Elmer 7:45

Mark, welcome to the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ Podcast. I'm so excited that you're finally here. 


Mark Colgan  8:01  

Absolutely. And thank you so much, Courtney for inviting me on as well. It's great to finally be here to talk about the sales process.


Courtney Elmer  8:07  

I recently got an email auto-responder from you saying “I'm on a winemaking trip through the countryside in Portugal.” I thought wow, that sounds like so much fun. I have to admit I felt a little jealous there for a moment. Tell us about that. What was that experience like? 


Mark Colgan  8:27  

Yeah, and it's funny you should say you feel envious of Courtney, because I was hesitant to put that on my autoresponder on my way out of office because I didn't want people to feel bad. But then I thought no, I've deserved this. I've worked pretty hard, built a lot of systems. So I should take a few days off. It was amazing. It was in the middle of Portugal, my girlfriend and I spent the day picking grapes and putting them into barrels and fermenting the grapes. The best thing of it all was trying the wine from last year which we bottled and labeled. They don't sell the wine commercially, but they do put a label on it with the name of the area and the region and the type of wine and then they give out the wine to the friends and family. 


Courtney Elmer  9:40  

That sounds awesome. That's a trip that you're going to remember. When I saw you out of the office, I was envious but I was also very happy for you because how often do you hear entrepreneurs saying, I'm out of the office? I'm on vacation? It's so rare. It's usually if I'm out of the office, I'm at a conference, I'm out of the office due to illness,  or due to natural disasters like the hurricane we had here recently. So it's actually refreshing to see and I applaud you for putting that in there. I understand the way that you were able to pick up and go because of the systems in your business that you have built that allow the business to run while you’re away, is that right?


Mark Colgan  10:49  

Yeah, absolutely. Because I have all of the systems in place and your sales process, and a team in place as well, I was able to switch off and say to my co-founder, don't whatsapp me,  don't call me unless there is an absolute disaster. That's often the case, I think, Courtney, we overthink things, we think the worst. But nothing terrible normally happens. The majority of the time things just continue as normal even when you’re away. And if we're honest, some people wouldn't even realize that you have been away. 


Courtney Elmer  11:49  

Yes, 100%. So let me ask you, you've had 13 years of experience in sales, and in recruiting and in marketing. I’d love to dig into one of your areas of expertise, which is sales systems. How would you define a “sales system”? 


Mark Colgan  14:22  

My definition of a sales system and sales process is simply put, a way of staying organized when it comes to the contacts that you're speaking to. How can you manage those contacts better? By having all their information in one place, it allows you to keep track of where people are in your sales pipeline. 


Courtney Elmer  15:19  

This is awesome and an area so many online business owners struggle with, keeping their CRM organized and keeping track of where everyone is in their funnel because they’ve got people progressing through the funnel at different times. How do you ensure no one falls through the cracks?


Mark Colgan  16:14  

Sure. The advice I’m going to give is “technology agnostic”. I personally believe a lot of the customer relationship management tools out there, also known as CRMs, don’t work effectively if you don’t understand what your customer process is to begin with. 

So we'll talk about a hypothetical example, let's say it's a coach, and they're selling a coaching program, and it's $2,000 a month. If you're selling a $2,000 a month coaching program, it's likely that a prospect will want to speak to you first, just make sure that you're not going to run away with their money. And obviously, to make sure that you are the right person to help them overcome whatever challenges that they're facing at the moment. 

So with that in mind, there needs to be a phone call. And then I'm sure after that phone call, you as the coach will probably need to send some follow up information. And the prospect might have potential additional questions as well. So what I'm describing here is a funnel, but you can almost tilt the funnel onto its side so it's horizontal. What you create is a pipeline for your sales process. And a pipeline essentially, is just different stages from somebody not knowing who you are at all, to somebody who you sell to, and they sign up to earn or enroll in your coaching program. 

So at the beginning, you have an unknown lead. And at the end, you have a new customer that goes through the customer journey. There's lots of different steps within that pipeline. At the beginning of the pipeline, you might have a lead, that's maybe where somebody has identified to you that they're interested in what you have, they may not have booked a call with you to talk about the coaching program, but they might have downloaded an ebook or signed up to your newsletter, or some of the other marketing initiatives that you're running. They might be members in your Facebook group, for example. But you could consider those leads, and they stay in the lead stage of the pipeline. 

However, if you're trying to bring more people into the coaching program, and the next step is to book a call, then the next stage in your pipeline would be “Call booked” for your sales process. So you know that this person has booked a call. Then you have that call, and then the next stage in your pipeline might be “Working to close”. That means that you've had the call, they sounded interested, they may have to speak to their partner, they might have to speak to their accountant, depending on how expensive your coaching program is. But they're in this middle part of the sales pipeline. 

And I want to come back to this a little bit later, Courtney, because this is where a lot of systems can be put in place to make them very beneficial to make sure they don't slip through the cracks. So after working to close, you have two options, you have “Closed,” meaning they signed up to be a customer and enrolled in our fictional coaching program, or “Close lost” which means they decided that they didn't want to move forward. 

At that stage of the sales process, it's really important to not forget about this person, but to put in the reason why they didn't close. Say they chose an alternative coach, the price was too high, it wasn't the right time for them, they're too busy, etc.. All these different reasons are known as “closed lost” reasons. And it's very good to document those because you can use systems in the future to nurture those people and hopefully bring them through the pipeline again.


Courtney Elmer  19:52  

This is so simple how you've laid this out. This is the piece that people can struggle to wrap their minds around. They understand that someone comes into their funnel as a lead, but then how do we actually get them from one stage to the next? I'd love to dig into each one of these stages with you and talk about the systems within them so you can trust that people can move through your funnel without anyone being forgotten.


Mark Colgan  20:37  

Absolutely, we can dive into all of those different stages of the sales process. We'll start with the lead stage. As I mentioned, these might be people that are part of your community, they may have downloaded an ebook or a resource that you have available, it may be a free training webinar, there's lots of different ways that you can generate those leads. But once you've had somebody convert, and essentially put their hand up to say they're interested in learning about what you have to say, it's then your job to pull them into your pipeline and into the next stage, which would be to book a call. 

So how you can leverage systems for that is to have a simple lead nurturing system, which is usually emails that get sent out in a cadence over a regular period of time. You would then send the emails out, which demonstrates the value of your coaching program. Again, Courtney will stick with the fictional coaching program that we're selling. Talk about the benefits, share social proof. Then simply ask in those emails, does this sound like something you’d be interested in? Would you like to schedule a call to see if there's a fit for you? That's how I take people from lead to call booked--that’s my sales process or customer journey.


Courtney Elmer  22:02  

Do you have any tips on how you might stand out in somebody's inbox, since these days we’re bombarded with so many messages?


Mark Colgan  22:41  

Yeah, there are fa ew things that you can do. My agency is called Speak on Podcasts. And the acronym is Sop. So before I write my actual subject line, I open up a square bracket, put in capitals, [SOP] and then close it off with a square bracket. Then I have my subject line, which might be book a call, for example. Doing this puts your actual subject line slightly to the right of all of the other emails that are in their inbox. This way you create a little bit of a pattern interrupt in somebody's inbox. That could be one way to kind of break through the noise. Another piece of advice is to make sure that you are reinstating who it is sending the message to. In the ‘from sender’ section, instead of saying my name, I say Mark @ SOP or Mark from Speak on Podcasts. This way you’re reinforcing your company.  

Another tip is to keep your messaging as concise as you can and make it very clear what the call to action is in the sales process. What is the next step you want the person to take? I receive a lot of emails where the copy is great, but I read the email and wonder, ok what do I do now? My final tip is to include video as well. You can record a one to many video that you include in your email. I don't know how many of your competitors might be using video, but the way I look at it, is if they're not using video, then you're at an advantage. If they're currently using a video, then you want to at least also be creating using videos as well in your messaging.


Courtney Elmer  24:54  

I love that pattern interrupt because it's so true.  So let me ask you this. Say you're able to pull someone into your pipeline, and they’ve been reading your emails, and their next step is to book a call. Let's say a percentage of those people do go on to book a call, they take that next step, they move forward in the pipeline. What about the people who don't? Do you continue to nurture them in any sort of way?


Mark Colgan  25:40  

Yeah, you do. What you really want to try and understand is what are the reasons why people haven't converted to the next step. There are certain things that can influence their decision. If they're simply not ready, you can obviously create messaging to talk about how you're never ready for certain things. 


But there are other reasons why people might think that it's too expensive or they may not know what the prices are, so you can continue to nurture and educate them. I like to nurture people that I interact with through customer stories and talk about the successes that people have had when they overcame the challenge that they were facing. I like to paint the picture of how to get from where they are now to where they want to be through storytelling. And I use real-life customer stories and examples in the sales process. 


Courtney Elmer  26:44  

Awesome, so for those people who do go on to book a call, now take us through that next stage in the pipeline.


Mark Colgan  26:51  

Okay, so the first thing that you want to do is have a calendar booking system in place. So whether that be Calendly, Acuity, Bookafy, etc. and make sure that you've got that set up correctly. So I've booked a few meetings before. And I booked them weeks in advance, and I didn't get a calendar appointment, because they've missed that setting. And I forgot that the meeting was happening. So just double-check. 

And I encourage you all, if you're currently using the systems and you set them up a little while ago, go back and check your settings, make sure that a calendar appointment is sent to the person who's just booked a call, as well as an email confirmation, has been sent to that person. And in that email confirmation, don't just leave it as Hi, Courtney, thanks for booking a call, we'll speak on Tuesday. You really need to sell the that you need to sell the call, they need to sell the benefits of the call. 

So in my example, where we do discovery calls in our agency, I will reiterate what people are going to gain from that call — what they're going to walk away from that call with. I also share a small agenda as well so that they can be a little bit prepared for that call. And one extra thing that I do is because all about standing out and pattern interrupt Courtney, just like the subject line example, before the calendar appointments I have a podcast microphone emoji, and a fire emoji. 

I say “podcast strategy call with Mark Colgan from Speak on Podcasts” because I don't want people to look at their calendar and go, “Who is Mark?” I’ve got a call with him today and I have no idea who this is.  And lastly, Courtney, I like to put my personality into the work that I do. So I attach GIFs into my calendar appointments, which is just such a small little touch. But again, I don't think many other people do it. And I want to create these lasting impressions on the people that I'm speaking to, even before they've experienced working with me or my team.


Courtney Elmer  29:15  

That's fantastic, and it adds that personal touch. What I love about each step in this as you're going through this sharing with us, is the detail. But it's simple. These are simple, small things, but the details really do matter. What it's doing is it's actually helping to build that relationship with that person, before they even get on the call with you about the sales process. It's already starting to build that knowledge, like, and trust. 


Mark Colgan  30:06  

My approach is, I want to make everybody feel like after they've worked with me or spoken to me that they would be more than happy to go and grab a coffee, or beer or wine with me. I want everybody to feel like they could be my friend. Whenever I've approached work and sales like that, I've always done well. It just comes from a very sincere place. Nobody likes to be sold to. We've all tried to buy a car and we've had to avoid the car salesperson. The sales process is different now. Put your personality into it and don't be afraid. If people don't like your personality, then you might not like working with them. 


Courtney Elmer  30:57  

Yeah, a lot of people go into a sales call, thinking “I've got to act or speak or be a certain way, in order to close this person”. And when you're so focused on that you completely miss the opportunity to make the connection with the person, which is the thing that actually sells them — on who you are, and that you’re the right person for the job. It’s to evoke less of a feeling of being sold to but rather, this person can help me. 


Mark Colgan  31:44  

Absolutely, I 100% agree.


Courtney Elmer  31:48  

So for those that booked the call, and they hopped on that sales call with you, and now you're working to close them. Take us through that. What does that piece of the sales process look like?


Mark Colgan  32:00  

Yes. So another mantra that I have is the moment I stopped trying to sell, I sold more. What I mean by that is when I approach the cause that I have with potential customers, I am in complete curiosity mode and discovery mode. I want to understand what they are currently doing. What is their objective? How will it feel if they don't achieve that objective in the sales process? What would it mean to the business if they don't achieve that objective? How are things going to look different if they do nothing right now? How will things look different if they do take action? 

I also like to ask, what is the goal? How will you be measuring what it is that you are trying to sell or the service that you're offering? I’m not suggesting that you ask them all, but you see the theme. They're quite exploratory questions, because I just want to listen, I want to understand where they're coming from. So in my experience, I sell a service. And I have people come to me with many different objectives for using the same service. So I want to listen to what those objectives are. And I can use that language back to my prospects when I'm speaking to them as well. It's the language that they're using to describe the pain or the challenge and the problem that they're facing. So I want to use that language back to them. 

So the reason why I mention this is I'll make a note of the objectives and the goals, I do have an agenda. I make notes in a Google Doc as we speak. So I type in and I do let people know that I'm going to be making notes. So if I look down, it's not not because I'm disinterested. And I note down a few of these things. The reason I do that is because after the call has happened, I then send a follow up email. This is where one of my systems kicks in. What I do is I load up a tool that I use to send out a drip sequence of emails, post-call, because once you've had a call with somebody, they have a lot more of an understanding of what it is exactly that you do and how you can help them. So your messaging needs to be a little bit different than what it was before when they were just a lead. In that first message, I have a few custom fields. And those custom fields are their first name, the objective and outcome of the call, and a few other custom fields as well. 

So when I go to add them to this follow up sequence, I'm asked to input by my system, I'm asked to input the objective, their first name, their company name and a few other things, bits of information, and that automatically gets merged into the email. So that email was very personalized. So rather than saying, hey, Courtney thank you for your time, I'm really looking forward to helping you with your objectives. The email will now read, hi, Courtney, thank you for your time really looking forward to helping you increase your exposure and grow the podcast listening, or whatever your objective was. It will be tailored, and it will use their language. Again, it's all about building that rapport. 

By demonstrating that you've listened to what they said during the sales process, and you're repeating the same words that they used, you're showing them that you listened and that you care, and that you really valued that time that you had with them, because you're repeating what they said to you.


Courtney Elmer  35:41  

If you listen, walk away with nothing else from this entire episode, take that one piece with you. It is not about you selling something to them, it is about you listening during the sales process. And becoming the problem-solver for them, and showing them that you've heard them simply by using what they've told you Not your own words, but literally the words that they have given you during the sales process. I believe this is one thing that separates very effective marketers from those who are less effective. The ones who are more effective do simply that — they listen. So from there, at what point do you mark a lead as lost? How much time do you let go by in that process? 


Mark Colgan  36:43 

Really good question. I think it's quite a debated question as well. And it really does depend on the market, you're selling into the price of the product that you're selling. So for example, if it's a $29, info product, then you may want to nurture those in a very automated way, having a kind of post sales call follow up. Although I doubt you'd have a call if it was only a $29. info product, because it's just not not worth the time in terms of ROI. But let's use the example of our coaching program that we're trying to enroll people in. I just want to follow up until I get a yes or a no. 

I don't mean that in an aggressive way. And sometimes the messaging that I use in that is I usually at the end of so this is another tip go going back to the call booked, if you do need a second call with that prospect and maybe a bit unsure that they're not quite sure if it's right for them, but they need to go away and just digest the information that you've spoke about and what you're going to follow up with them whilst they're on that call with you book another meeting with them. 

And you might say, okay, Courtney, let's schedule a five to 10 minute catch up next week, if that works for you. How about the same time as this call happened? We'll use that time just to go over any concerns that you have. I don't want to say with absolute certainty, but most of the time if people say yes to that second call, they are more likely to buy the people that say no. 

So that's just going back to the call booked stage so in the world of the sales process, it's called BAM-FAM. Book A Meeting From A Meeting. When you remember you're coming from a place of giving value and service, it won’t feel like you're pressuring people into anything. 

But when do you stop the follow up during the sales process? I like to follow up until they say no. And what I do say in some of my emails, I might send an email saying hey, Courtney, it's been a little while since we last spoke. There was a lot of information to take in. Is this something that you're still interested in? Or I might say Hey, Courtney, is this (their outcome) no longer a priority? Is “building your brand awareness” no longer a priority? Let me know either way, I just want to make sure I have the team set up or I make sure I allocate the resources appropriately. 

I found that actually, we had a customer sign up yesterday off the back of an email, and I've been sending him emails for about four months now. But in those follow up emails, I'm always delivering an adding value. I'm sharing content. I'm sharing tips and tricks. I'm sharing podcast interviews that I did where I spoke about a particular benefit of speaking on a podcast. 

The answer is, keep following up until you get a definite yes or no, but you don't have to be really aggressive in those follow up emails during the sales process. If you lead with value, and have a call to action at the end saying, just please just let me know, either way, if you are still interested, you will be able to get the answer that you're looking for without being too aggressive in terms of your sales.


Courtney Elmer  40:19  

Yea that's the one thing people worry about, that aggressiveness because we've all been on the receiving end of that, and we know how that feels. And we don't want to do that to other people. But the way that you're proposing here is so simple. It's so straightforward. And it's just asking a simple question, you know, is this something you're still interested in? Or is this not a priority for you during the sales process? And it's really a low pressure way of being able to get an answer from someone to know whether to continue the conversation or not. And as the person who is selling the thing, in this case, a coaching program should not be attached to that outcome, either, because some will say, yes, some will say no. And just expect that you're going to get yeses and noes because you are going to make the decision that they feel is best for them.


Mark Colgan  41:04  

Yeah, if you could only shift your mindset and remove yourself from the outcome, like you said, Courtney Elmer, and just understand that you're here to serve. Not everybody is going to be a fit, and it's not going to be the right time for everybody. But come from that place of abundance and not scarcity, even if you really need that sell, even if you really need that customer, come to a position of abundance, and that when you're communicating with people, it won't come across as desperate. Because nobody wants to buy from a desperate person. That’s not a good sales process.


Courtney Elmer  42:19  

Yes, and if they don't sign up right there on the spot, it doesn't mean that they won't sign up, it just means that maybe it's a matter of time for them, maybe you just have to answer a few more questions or help them overcome. And the more that you could do that authentically and from a place of service, the more sales we'll make. Okay, bring it home, anything else that we need to talk about here in order to wrap up this conversation around the pipeline?


Mark Colgan  43:33  

Yeah, so two things I want to add. So the first is that your sales or selling doesn't end once the customer agrees to sign up, and they've paid you. It's so important that you deliver on the expectations that the client has of you, once they've signed up, because I can't remember the step from the top of my head, Courtney. But if you mess up your onboarding or enrollment of a new customer, the chances of them being happy and wanting to stick around reduces dramatically. So make sure that you over communicate. At that beginning, it's especially at the beginning. 

We made the mistake of saying well, I had a sales call with them. We spoke for 30 minutes, I told them everything. They won't remember! It's just a lot of information to take in. So what we have, and I'll share how we do it in our company. We have a customer onboarding timeline, which is a Google document that we share with all of our customers. 

So it's one-to-many during the sale process, we don't create it for each customer. It just outlines what we’re going to do together - Day 1, onboarding call. Day 7, this happens, Day 10, that happens. We're just constantly communicating to the customer about what they should be expecting. Keep communicating unless they tell you not to.


Courtney Elmer  45:12  

One of the four systems we teach our students is deliverability. What happens after this sale? And what does your process look like to take someone from a new customer to a loyal customer during the sales process? Because you're right, the conversation continues, and the nurturing continues, and the selling, so to speak, continues. Because now you're selling them on why they made the right decision in signing up for whatever it is that you are offering.


Mark Colgan  45:46  

I would say go through your own onboarding process after the sales process and be so objective about it. Maybe actually have a friend go through your onboarding process, just imagine they signed up and ask them what their opinion is, or do they feel like they know what to do next. And you always want to be pre-empting. 


Mark Colgan  46:15  

I've worked with a number of companies to help them with their sales. And oftentimes, they come to me and say, Mark, we need more leads, we need more at the top of the funnel. And I refuse to do any activity that generates new lead generation, until I’ve fixed the optimizations further down the funnel. So you might at right now have certain numbers of how many leads you have at the top of the funnel or the beginning of your pipeline, then they move to book the call, then they move to being a customer in very simple terms, you can always be improving those percentages, you can always be improving those conversion rates during the sales process. 

And that means that you get more results without having to put more effort in at the top of the funnel. So before you start, before you go and take any action with any lead generation, make sure that you understand your process and make sure that's as optimized as possible.


Courtney Elmer  47:04  

That is such wise advice for building your sales process and defining the customer journey. Because you're right when you do that, and when you focus on the optimization, instead of the conversion at the top of the funnel, you're really optimizing the whole process all the way through, and it takes less energy and effort at the top of the funnel. And people are more likely to make it all the way through where you actually want them to be. 

So Mark, I have a question for you that has nothing to do with systems. But this is what we have been asking our guests who come on the show since the beginning of the podcast almost two years ago. No two answers have ever been the same. 

As you may know, here at my company the EffortLESS Life® we believe that your success does not depend on how much time and effort that you put in. In fact, those are limited resources. So when you depend on those, you're really only going to get limited results. So when you think of living an “effortless life”, what does that mean to you?


Mark Colgan  48:15  

(laughter) Court, that’s an incredibly deep question I'm not prepared for!


Courtney Elmer  48:20  

I don't prep our guests on purpose! What comes up for you first? What does living an effortless life look like for you?


Mark Colgan  48:29  

For me, I think it's about designing systems around me that support the value that I can create and share that value with other people, one to many, in a leveraged way. 


Courtney Elmer  48:56  

Yea. See when we depend on our effort solely to build our business, it will take longer to get there. And just as you said to your point that when you can design the systems to support you in the journey, you will reach it much faster and with much less of the hustle and the pressure and the urgency that many of us feel that really only contributes to overwhelm and burnout, not to building the life that you've imagined the life that you want to build for being an entrepreneur in the first place. 


Mark Colgan 49:10



Courtney Elmer 49:12

Awesome. Well, Mark, thank you for being here today. This was incredibly valuable. I know our listeners, if they're in a place where they're jotting down notes, they've probably taken a lot and if not, this will be an episode they'll want to come back to because you shared so many incredible tips and advice really on how to not only create a sales process in your business, but what it means to nurture someone through that process, and in turn, you know, hopefully converting that sale at the end of it, and ways to really help enhance that. So thank you so much for all that you shared today.


Mark Colgan  50:16  

Thank you, it has been a pleasure being here. And I genuinely hope I was able to offer some value on the sales process.


Courtney Elmer  50:20  

Okay, so I want to know which one of those amazing nuggets of advice are you going to take and implement into your business first. Sometimes when we hear a really high value episode, just like this one, we get filled with ideas and get excited. Then we look at our inbox and we get distracted by all the things we need to do, and we forget what we wanted to implement or sometimes overwhelm just gets in the way. 

So what I want you to do is, choose the number one thing that stood out to you from today's episode., and commit to implementing that in your business by this time next week. Choose one first step to take, and just get the ball rolling with the implementation process. 

Now, before we wrap this up today, I have recently been talking with some of my favorite course creators and online business owners about what a struggle these pandemic years have been for business. Sure there are silver linings, but it doesn't negate the fact that growing a business in these uncertain times is really tough. So coming up next week on the show, we're bringing you a very special episode: How to stay motivated through adversity in business. Because if I've learned anything in business, it's that leaning into these times of uncertainty


Courtney Elmer  55:15  

So next week on this exclusive episode, I'm going to have a very powerful conversation with a very wise guest, who has navigated through the extreme ups and downs of running a business. I have a feeling that you are going to love what she's going to share. So, join me right back here next Tuesday, and until then, go live your EffortLESS Life®.  I'll see you back here next time.

Mark Colgan Profile Photo

Mark Colgan


Mark Colgan is an entrepreneur and revenue leader responsible for increasing revenue across a small portfolio of companies where he leverages his 13 years experience of B2B Sales, Marketing and Recruitment.

Mark currently splits his time as Co-founder of Speak On Podcasts, mentoring B2B Startups via GrowthMentor and ScaleWise, The Product Onboarders and coaching 100’s of SDR’s through his Outbound Prospecting and Cold Email Bootcamp course via The Sales Impact Academy.

He’s a Techstars 18′ Alumni and a regular speaker within the B2B SaaS industry, his work has been published by SaaStock, Mailshake, Pipedrive, LeadSift, Lemlist, SugarCRM and Baremetrics to name a few.

Mark currently lives and works from Lisbon, is addicted to travelling and exploring new cultures and places. You’ll often hear him saying “por que no?” (why not?) to anything that sounds fun or gets the heart racing like wingwalking, skydiving and paramotoring.