Sept. 8, 2020

Unlocking the DNA of a 7 Figure Entrepreneur

Unlocking the DNA of a 7 Figure Entrepreneur

Courtney Elmer, host of The AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ Podcast, talks about the 3 critical skills for entrepreneurship you must have if you want to be successful. She also shares why these characteristics of entrepreneurship can either make or break your entrepreneurial success.

Did you know that hard work is not one of the required skills for entrepreneurship?

It’s counterintuitive because our culture wants you to believe that your entrepreneurial success is entirely dependent on how many hours you put into building your dream.

But guess what business built on effort alone (a limited resource) will give you? Limited results. That’s why today, we’re talking about the only three characteristics of entrepreneurship you need to master in order to unlock the DNA of a 7 figure entrepreneur, and create the influence, income, and impact you deserve.


  • The three shockingly simple skills for entrepreneurship required for real entrepreneurial success

  • How mastering these characteristics of entrepreneurship helped Jeff Bezos (Amazon’s Founder) created a net worth of $200+ billion dollars

  • Why most entrepreneurs don’t spend time learning these skills for entrepreneurship (hence, why they’re struggling!)

  • How you can begin to master these 3 skills for entrepreneurship to  turn your business around, starting today

Most entrepreneurs aren't lacking in ambition... they simply lack one or more of these three key characteristics of entrepreneurship required to break through to that coveted 6+ figure mark and beyond. 

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You’re Listening to the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ podcast, Episode #34!  


We're here today to help you develop the skills for entrepreneurship you need to experience real entrepreneurial success. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you dream of the day you can finally feel financially free in your business. If this is something you want… listen up. Most entrepreneurs aren't lacking ambition... they're lacking one or more of the three key characteristics of entrepreneurship needed for real entrepreneurial success. So today on the show, I’m going to show you three key characteristics of entrepreneurship you need to develop to create the income and impact you deserve.


Think for a moment of the 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs you look up to. The ones who have achieved the same entrepreneurial success you want. They embody these critical characteristics of entrepreneurship, and in doing so, they’ve wired themselves to THINK differently than the average entrepreneur thinks. These key skills for entrepreneurship have allowed them to achieve the level of entrepreneurial success they've achieved, at the rate they've achieved it.


When you master these same three characteristics of entrepreneurship, you can experience entrepreneurial success much more quickly. Surprisingly these three elements are very SIMPLE. But, SIMPLE doesn’t necessarily mean it's EASY. 


We see this all the time with our students. Those that develop these skills for entrepreneurship by focusing on implementing the Visionary Leader Formula™ consistently and commit to using it every day see the most growth in their business. Others who implement it when they feel like it doesn’t get the same results. Like anything in life, YOU are the one who controls the level of entrepreneurial success you achieve, and it boils down to how well you master these characteristics of entrepreneurship.


Successfully developing these skills for entrepreneurship takes consistent, intentional work. You wouldn’t hire a personal trainer and expect them to do your pushups for you, would you? Of course not. You already know you have to do the work if you want to get the results.


The problem is, most entrepreneurs do a lot of work on the wrong things, and exhaust themselves in the process. Here at the EffortLESS Life® we believe you don’t have to work as hard as you think you do to experience the level of entrepreneurial success you want, which is why we're here today to show you how to cultivate the skills for entrepreneurship and develop the three key characteristics of entrepreneurship to achieve greater levels of success.


The caveat is that you DO have to do the work -- the right work, to develop these skills for entrepreneurship. Mastering these characteristics of entrepreneurship is a small step that has a huge impact on your overall journey to entrepreneurial success.


Again, these 3 characteristics of entrepreneurship are simple to understand but more challenging to practice consistently. It’s one thing to know these characteristics of entrepreneurship intellectually. It’s another thing to LIVE them. Where knowing and practicing these skills for entrepreneurship become one and the same. Where embodying and mastering these characteristics of entrepreneurship simply becomes a way of life.


If you wanted to lose weight and gain muscle to look more fit, you know you’d need to clean up your diet, create a workout plan, and even hire a trainer. You'd have some sort of system in place for tracking your progress, like stepping on the scale 1x a week to measure your results. But to get those results -- to lose those 10 lbs and trade them for muscle, you have to actually DO the work. 


This is why COMMITMENT is the first key skill for entrepreneurship you need to unlock the DNA of a 7 figure entrepreneur. 


Simple. But not easy. Yet those who master this skill for entrepreneurship will increase their chances of actually succeeding. 


Are you truly committed? Most people think they’re committed, but their actions say otherwise. They jump at the next shiny object and consume loads of content, but put little into action. They've simply never thought to assess their own commitment level to their business. 


If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would become possible in your business? How would you show up? What specifically would feel different within you? 


...What’s preventing you from showing up that way in your business now? 


Could it be that a part of you doesn't actually believe your success is inevitable? The degree to which you believe your success is inevitable is the degree to which you’re able to succeed in your business. 


The next essential skill for entrepreneurship is another one that’s simple, but not always easy to figure out on your own.


If hard work was what it took to have entrepreneurial success, then why isn’t everyone who works hard successful? Have you ever wondered WHY stress, overwhelm, and burnout happens to entrepreneurs, even when they’re pursuing their passion? 


So many of today’s entrepreneurs are working as hard as they can, thinking hard work is one of the required characteristics of entrepreneurship. But scaling a business based on the belief that you need to work harder and hustle more will only leave you frustrated, discouraged, and stuck. It’s like running up the “down” escalator, you work hard but don’t get anywhere. 


This is because most entrepreneurs are missing this critical key element for entrepreneurial success: Strategy. But not just any old business strategy. The right strategy for YOUR business. 


There are too many experts out there who are promising you entrepreneurial success but teaching you cookie-cutter methods for scaling your business. You can open social media or your podcast app and find advice on everything from marketing to public speaking, growing your email list to creating funnels, writing high-converting copy, and so much more.


Yet you’re the one who's expected to sift through all that information and distill what’s going to work for your business. It’s ludicrous. Regardless of whether it’s free or paid content you’re consuming, this DIY approach is not a long-term strategy for entrepreneurial success. 


What do most entrepreneurs do? They try one strategy, they start working with one coach, and they’re still not getting the results they want, not realizing it has nothing to do with that coach but that the real issue is that they’re missing one of the 3 critical skills for entrepreneurship we’re talking about here today. So they jump to the next strategy, the next coach, the next thing that they think will be their golden ticket to entrepreneurial success.


But they never get there, because they lack the commitment to pick and stick: to build one bridge to entrepreneurial success before building another. They keep jumping from one thing to the next burning themselves out in the process, not realizing that if they focused on developing these three characteristics of entrepreneurship, they'd have the blueprint to put all the pieces together in a way that works. 


That’s why the second critical characteristic of entrepreneurship needed to break through to that 6 or 7 figure mark is having the RIGHT strategy in place for your business. How? This is one of the skills for entrepreneurship we teach you how to cultivate inside of the Visionary Leader Incubator™. I’ll give you a hint -- the first step in clarifying your Vision. Where are you headed? You might have been clear on this when you first started out, but have you lost sight of your Vision amid the hustle and grind?


This brings us to the 3rd critical skill for entrepreneurship you need to cultivate, and arguably the most important. Most leaders call this MINDSET… I call it asking yourself if the thoughts you’re thinking are in line with the entrepreneurial success you want.


For many, the answer is no. Sadly, most don't realize this is what's standing in between them and the entrepreneurial success they want. What’s the difference between Jeff Bezos and Jeff Kennedy? (Other than that you’ve never heard of Jeff Kennedy).


The only difference is the reason why you haven’t heard of Jeff Kennedy. Jeff Bezos possesses these essential characteristics of entrepreneurship. He took the time to develop the skills for entrepreneurship and learned how to think differently than average entrepreneurs think. Subsequently, he grew his Amazon empire well beyond the 7 figure range, while Jeff Kennedy did not. He’s still struggling in his basement, not realizing he's missing these characteristics of entrepreneurship because he's too busy trying to figure out how to build a sales funnel. By the way, according to my latest google search, Jeff Bezos is worth almost $200 BILLION dollars. To reach that level of entrepreneurial success? He first mastered these 3 critical skills for entrepreneurship.


The problem is, a lot of experts preach having "the right mindset" as one of the key characteristics of entrepreneurship, but few are actually showing you how to think like a million-dollar entrepreneur.


Imagine for a second: what if having real entrepreneurial success was as easy as identifying what’s holding you back? What if developing these skills for entrepreneurship didn’t require working later nights, or putting in more effort on your part.


What if entrepreneurial success was as simple as learning how to reframe the stories you’re telling yourself that you’re not cut out for this or don’t have what it takes… to permanently eliminate these stories so that they no longer hold you back? To trade them out for a new story that you do have what it takes, and you relax knowing that everything is working in your favor?


When you learn to do this, that’s when business begins to feel effortless. That’s what we’re obsessed with teaching you how to do here at the EffortLESS Life®: to develop these skills for entrepreneurship so you can step fully into your role as the Visionary Leader your business needs to succeed. 


So let’s recap: the three key characteristics of entrepreneurship are: unwavering commitment, the right strategy, and learning how to think like a successful entrepreneur. 


When you’re ready to learn how to put these into action in your business, here’s what to do next. Go to and register now for our next live virtual workshop where I’m going to show you how to develop these skills for entrepreneurship. I'll also show you what it'll cost your business when you choose not to develop these skills, and you'll walk away with a greater understanding of how to embody the three key characteristics of entrepreneurship you need to start creating the income, influence, and impact you deserve.


By the way, if you’ve ever got a question to ask me, I hang out on Instagram . Send me a DM with your question, because I love hearing from listeners like you! Then join me here next week where our special guest is going to teach you how to make more sales simply by using the power of psychology. We’ll see you right back here next time on the AntiFragile Entrepreneurship™ podcast... go live YOUR EffortLESS Life®!